We believe strong scientific research is critical for effective planning of conservation measures. Bats as such are neglected species in India…
Long term conservation requires cultivating respect towards nature and wildlife in children at young age. Awareness about nature…
Bats play a major role in sustenance of the eco system in multitude ways. Insectivorous bats are among the best insect cleansers…
A tribal community known as Longpfuru Yimchungru who lives near Mt.Saramati, on the Indo-Burma border practice bat harvesting as an annual ritual. This age old practice is followed only by a particular clan called Bomrr, and is claimed to be in practice for more than 400 years.
For an effective long term conservation of bats it is vital to know the major roosting sites of bats by monitoring the health of bat population. For non-congregating bat species an assessment will be made through capture and recapture method.
In order to preserve and conserve the bats across India, it is important to know their distribution, population density and habitats. These are some of the key basic information required to assess their status and need for protection, preservation and conservation in the long term.
Saving India’s bats are critical to maintain our eco-system. Driving effective conservation and research projects require huge resources. Hence your financial help in protecting these enigmatic species will be very valuable to us. So please help us by donating generously and be part of this endeavor to preserve the bats across India.
Bat Conservation India runs various projects both short and long term and requires assistance of volunteers to manage these projects. If you are interested in bats and would like to be involved with Bat Conservation India, do join us by becoming a member. Members will be notified about existing and upcoming projects and those interested can volunteer.